Newsworthy Generosity

CHEW could not provide the meals that it does without the overwhelming contributions and dedicated volunteers from our community!

A special thanks to….

  • All of our volunteers who faithfully serve on an ongoing basis: both in our distribution center and those who pack and distribute food to our schools on a weekly basis.
  • Individuals throughout our community who are making CHEW a top priority in their benevolent giving.
  • Local businesses  and civic clubs who are helping us fund CHEW on a permanent on-going basis.
  • Churches that give so faithfully to CHEW. Some have included us in their budgets; others support us through love offerings.


  • West Nash United Methodist Church’s Thrift Shop sends CHEW a very generous contribution each month to help us feed our chronically hungry students. Since August 2024 they have provided 2,888 meals for our CHEW students! They are also available to support our school staff when emergency clothing is needed for a student.  THANK YOU!
  • Two of our high school students, Emma Townsend Satterfield and Ridley Harris, supported CHEW again last Christmas with their Gingerbread Decorating Event.  These caring young people provided us with money to purchase 118 2-day weekend bags…592 meals for our CHEW students.  We are so grateful for you.
  • In January we received over $11,000 from the Hospital Holiday Workshop that was held in December at Wilson Medical Center.  This generous gift provided more than 1,369 2-day weekend bags…6,845 meals for our chronically hungry students!  How blessed we are to live in such a compassionate county!! Thank you!


  • CHEW would not be possible without the continued financial support of individuals, businesses and churches throughout Wilson County.  You continue to make it possible for us to feed our chronically hungry students and we are grateful!!
  • The Rotary Club of Greater Wilson has been supporting CHEW faithfully over these last twelve years.  In June we received $2,500 from them.  Thank you!
  • Thank you to everyone who supported CHEW once again this May as you took part in the Chippin for the Children Fundraiser.
  • We are deeply grateful to Walmart who provided CHEW with a $3,000 grant this year.
  • In 2024 CHEW received a check for over $9,000 from Farmington Heights Church! Thank you to this faithful church and to everyone throughout our community who purchased their Christmas tree last December at their Christmas tree sale:  Buy a Tree.  Change a Life!  We are deeply grateful!!


  • Thank you to the employees of Chick fil A who raised $2,688 for CHEW through their holiday Chocolate Chunk Cookie Fundraiser.  For twelve years Christy Proctor has enabled her employees to help us feed our chronically hungry students and we are grateful!
  • In December, eleventh graders Ridley Harrison and Emma Townsend Satterfield raised $900 for CHEW at their 3rd Annual Gingerbread House Decorating Event for 3rd-5th grade girls at First United Methodist Church in Wilson.  Local businesses, church members and friends joined these young people to help us feed our chronically hungry students.  Thank you, Ridley and Emma, for choosing CHEW to benefit from your wonderful event.  We are deeply grateful.
  • Grace Gibson, now 15 years old and in the 10th grade, first began reaching out in love to our chronically hungry students when she was 12.  This past Christmas she made over 100 soaps and donated $500 to CHEW!  When her school schedule allows, she helps her church pack CHEW bags for Sallie B. Howard.  Thank you, Grace!
  • THANK YOU to the 21 employees of Garris Evans Lumber Co. who once again in 2023 chose CHEW as their Christmas charitable organization of choice.  Because of your generosity we received a check for $10,500 to help us feed our chronically hungry students!  We are deeply grateful!
  • The members of West Nash United Methodist Church share the proceeds from their Thrift Store with CHEW each month!  The $500 that we received each time has been an enormous help as we purchase our food.  Thank you.
  • In October CHEW received a check for $26,730 from SPC Mechanical.  Chris and Mark Williford have been feeding thousands of chronically hungry children throughout North Carolina since 2015 through their SPC Mechanical’s Charity Golf Tournaments.  A special thank you to Floyd McCabe and the other employees at SPC Mechanical for the countless hours they contribute to make these tournaments such a success.  We are deeply grateful to them for continuing to include CHEW as one of the recipients of the proceeds from this wonderful event.
  • Thank you to all members of our community who continue to support us each year at our annual fundraising event, Chippin for the Children!  In 2023 you provided us with $27,000 to help us feed our chronically hungry students!
  • We are deeply grateful for the continued support of the New Hope Presbytery Hunger Grant Network.  They awarded CHEW $2,000 as a recipient of the 2022 Hunger Fund Domestic Grant.  It is so helpful.  THANK YOU!
  • We are deeply grateful to the Greater Wilson Rotary Club for their generous contribution of $2,500.  You have been constant in your support over these last twelve years and we are grateful!
  • The Wilson Energy Community Grant Fund Committee awarded CHEWH $5,000 to help us feed our chronically hungry students!  Thank YOU!


  • Thank you to Libby Baskerville of Wilson Medical Center and their 2022 Holiday Workshop Committee who raised $14,000 for CHEW in December 2022.
  • THANK YOU to Garris Evans Lumber Co. and their employees who chose to support CHEW as the cause of their choice this December! They each contributed $500.  We received a check for $12,500 to CHEW from them to help feed our chronically hungry students.
  • A HEARTFELT THANKS to the members of Farmington Heights Church of God who contributed $2,500 to CHEW as the proceeds from their sale of Christmas trees.
  • J.W Hunter Co., Inc. (and Bill and Sharon Hunter individually) continue to express incredible compassion for our chronically hungry students.  Each contributed $5,000 to CHEW again this year! Thank you.
  • Zeb M. Whitehurst won $1,000 for CHEW through the 2022 Inspire Awards Livestream Event Teammate Contest at Truist!!! Thank YOU, Zeb!
  • THANK YOU to Britain Lamm and her Truist Mortgage-Correspondent Lending Team who packed and delivered ALL of our CHEW bags for the month of December!   You did an OUTSTANDING job.  Truist Lighthouse supported CHEW with a contribution of $4,000.
  • Chris and Mark Williford, two very compassionate brothers, have been feeding thousands of chronically hungry students throughout North Carolina since 2015! We are deeply grateful to them for continuing to include CHEW as one of the recipients of the proceeds from their SPC Mechanical’s Charity Golf Tournaments.  This year they presented CHEW with a check for $20,000! Thank you!
  • We are grateful for the continued support of the North Carolina Community Foundation.  This year they supported CHEW with a $1,000 grant.
  • During these uncertain times as we plan for the upcoming 2022-2023 school term we are deeply grateful for the gift of $3,000 from Fred, Joe, and Turner Bunn through the Turner Battle Bunn Jr. & Catherine Eagles Bunn Foundation.  They have been so generous and faithful in their support of our weekend feeding program for our chronically hungry students since the very beginning! THANK YOU!
  • The Rotary Club of Greater Wilson, Inc. has been supporting CHEW since we first began our weekend feeding program.  We just received a check from them for $2,500 that will help us fulfill our commitment of not cutting back on the nutritious food we provide for our students next fall as food prices continue to increase.  THANK YOU!
  • What an amazing success Chippin for the Children was this year!! CHEW received over $25,000 and we are deeply grateful for all the members of our community and our CHEW volunteers who helped make this possible.  A special “thank you” to Lisa Stone, Kymberly Jackson, Natalie Long, Johnnie Evans, Britain Lamm, Debby Futrell, Cindy Rhodes, Jolly Barnes, and Steve and Kathy Witchey!  CHEW, in particular, and our whole community is blessed to have ALL of you! Thank YOU!
  • We are deeply grateful for the continued support of the New Hope Presbytery Hunger Grant Network.  They awarded CHEW $2,000 as a recipient of the 2021 Hunger Fund Domestic Grant.  It is so helpful!  THANK YOU!
  • How grateful we are for the Women of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church for their continuing faithful and very generous support.  They presented us with a check for $1,500 from their Second Annual “No Bake Sale.”  THANK YOU!
  • A heartfelt “thank you” to Frankie Sheldon, manager of the Wilson Walmart Supercenter, and to Jamie Sonurant, manager of Wilson’s Neighborhood Walmart, for their continued support of CHEW.  We received a $1,000 grant from Wilson’s Neighborhood Walmart and $750 from the Supercenter to help us purchase food for our chronically hungry students, and we are deeply grateful.
  • Heath Driver, the account manager of CopyPro, pledged to donate a portion of her sales from each copier she sold during the quarter to CHEW and recently presented us with a check for $400.  “Thank you, Heather, for your commitment to help us feed our chronically hungry students!”
  • As they did in 2021, West Nash United Methodist Church is continuing to provide CHEW with $500 each month as they share the proceeds from their Thrift Store with us.  We are so deeply grateful to you for your faithful witness throughout our community.
  • THANK YOU to Dave Perguidi and VMware for remembering our chronically hungry students! Dave, who works for VMware out of Raleigh, applied for a $600 grant for CHEW from his company that is headquartered in California!! We never cease to be AMAZED at the power of LOVE that continues to overwhelm us with gratitude!  “Thank you, Dave!”


  • Because of the GENEROSITY of HUNDREDS of civic groups, businesses, churches, and individuals throughout Wilson County, CHEW has been able to purchase food from other sources at an additional cost, when necessary, because of the disruptions in the supply chain.  We have four different nutritious menus for our chronically hunger students and these remain intact!! We are blessed to live in such a compassionate county!!  THANK YOU to ALL of you for not forgetting our most vulnerable students!
  • In December Bill and Sharon Hunter once more remembered CHEW with enormous generosity as they presented us with a $5,000 personal donation.  In addition, J. W. Hunter Company, Inc. gave us an additional $5,000!! They embody the spirit throughout Wilson County that makes CHEW possible!  Thank you!!
  • Throughout 2021 West Nash United Methodist Church has provided CHEW with $5,000 as they have shared the proceeds from their Thrift Store monthly with us.  We are so grateful for them and their faithful witness throughout our community.
  • Chris and Mark Williford, two very compassionate brothers, have been feeding thousands of chronically hungry children throughout North Carolina since 2015!! We are deeply grateful to them for continuing to include CHEW as one of the recipients of the proceeds from their SPC Mechanical’s Charity Golf Tournaments.  This year they presented CHEW with a check for $10,000!  Thank you!
  • In the midst of the pandemic Truist Correspondent Lending donated $3,500 to CHEW by purchasing some of our Notables for us.  Their support has been constant over several years and we continue to be so grateful!
  • The Rotary Club of Greater Wilson, Inc. has enabled CHEW since our very inception.  Their generous financial support during those very early years helped make our feeding program possible.  It has continued during these last 9 years!  In 2021 they gave us $2,500!  You have helped us feed so many chronically hungry students and as are deeply grateful for ALL of you!!
  • Since CHEW came into being, Turner, Joe, and Fred Bunn have been constant in their generous support of CHEW through the Turner Battle Bunn, Jr. and Catherine Eagles Bunn Foundation.  During 2021 they gave us $3,000!  Their generosity continues to feed and give hope to so many chronically hungry students throughout Wilson County.
  • We are grateful for the $4,000 gift from the Wilson Energy Community Grant Fund! How blessed we are to live in Wilson County!
  • Thank you to all the volunteers and participants who supported the Chippin for the Children Golf Tournament in the midst of the pandemic! Your continued support has been crucial and we are deeply grateful.
  • A heartfelt “thank you” to Frankie Sheldon, manager of the Wilson Walmart Supercenter, and to Jamie Sonurant, manager of Wilson’s Neighborhood Walmart, for their continued support of CHEW.  We received a $1,000 grant from each of them to help us purchase food during the pandemic, and we are deeply grateful.
  • We are deeply grateful for the continued support of The New Hope Presbytery Hunger Grant Network.  They awarded CHEW $2,000 as a recipient of the 2020 Hunger Fund Domestic Grant.  THANK YOU!
  • For the second time since the pandemic began, Grace Gibson (age 12) has reached out in love to help us feed our chronically hungry students!  This time she was joined by her 10-year-old sister, Blythe, as together they made and sold over 88 Valentine Soap and Shell Bundles.  Their creativity and hard work provided over 835 meals for our CHEW students!! THANK YOU, Grace and Blythe!!


  • We are deeply grateful for the generous donation that we received from the Chew’s Crawl Fundraiser that was held in memory of Matthew Lamm.  Thank you for remembering our chronically hungry students in this special event!
  • Walmart Giving continues to help us feed our chronically hungry students!  A special “thank you” to Jamie Sonurant, manager of Your Friendly Walmart Neighborhood Market, and Frankie Sheldon, manager of the Wilson Walmart SuperCenter!  Our Wilson business community continues to make our feeding program possible and we are grateful for all of you.
  • Since CHEW first began, Fred, Joseph, and Turner Bunn have been constant and very generous in their support of CHEW through the Bunn Foundation. Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude!
  • A special “thank you” to the Wilson Rotary Club for your generous support! The support of our civic groups help make CHEW possible!!
  • We are deeply grateful for New Hope Presbytery for awarding CHEW a $2,000 Hunger Grant for 2019.
  • Churches throughout Wilson County continue to provide sacrificial support both in volunteer hours and monetary support!! How blessed we are to live in such a compassionate community.  Thank you!


  • How grateful we are to Hunter Properties for their continued, very generous and faithful support of CHEW!
  • We are so deeply grateful to the NC Community Foundation for awarding CHEW $1,000 to help us feed our chronically hungry students!  In December, CHEW board members Jeff Hawley and Louise McKinnon received the check from NC Community Foundation board members Bill Shreve, Page Smith, Tonya Kessler, and Leta Williams.  Thank you!
  • CHEW received tremendous support from Barton College this year through their Regional Outreach Course of the MBA Strategic Leadership Program.  Students Darrow Smith and Chase Long prepared a $5,000 grant application for us from the Ronald McDonald House Charities of NC. We were awarded this grant in December and we are so deeply grateful!!  Thank you, Barton College!!!
  • Thank you to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of NC For awarding CHEW $5,000 to help us feed our chronically hungry students!  A special thank you to Donnie Powell, the owner of the Wilson McDonalds!
  • Jamie Sonurant, manager of Your Friendly Walmart Neighborhood Market, and Frankie Sheldon, manager of the Wilson Walmart SuperCenter, both made generous donations to CHEW possible through Walmart Giving.  We are deeply grateful grateful to them for the support of our Wilson business community continues to make our weekend feeding program possible.
  • Thank you to Vickie Franks and everyone at First United Methodist Church for the overwhelming love offerings and donations CHEW received during their Bible School in June 2019:  a total of $3,600!
  • For two years in a row, the members of the Fike Chick-fil-A Leader Academy under the leadership of Kimberly Howard have given sacrificially to help us feed our chronically hungry students.  These young people raised $1,800 for CHEW in May of this year at their Be Our Guest Community Fair at Fike High School. Thank you!!
  • How grateful we are to SPC Mechanical for their generous contribution of $6,633!  CHEW was one of 5 feeding programs in 5 different NC counties to benefit from their 3rd Annual SPC Mechanical Charity Golf Tournament in Greensboro.
  • We continue to be deeply grateful to the BB&T employees who choose to benefit CHEW through their BB&T Lighthouse Project!  Different departments are packing and distributing our CHEW bags to ALL of our schools during the month of May.  A special thank you to Britain Lamm who coordinates this so efficiently!
  • Thank you to KYMBERLY JACKSON and EVERYONE who made Chippin for the Children such a tremendous success this year!
  • Thank you to Christy Proctor and her employees at Chick-fil-A who raised $1,100 for CHEW through their December 2018 six-pack chocolate-chip cookie fundraiser.
  • We are deeply grateful to New Hope Presbytery for awarding CHEW a $2,000 Hunger Grant for 2018!
  • WONDERFUL THINGS HAPPEN when children in our community reach out in LOVE with their mother’s help to support CHEW. Bo and Worth Boles (with their mom Olivia); Della Ruth, Jackson, and Evie Koster (with their mom Mary Hunter); Ridley, Loulie, and Eloise Harrison (with their mom Jenny); and Emma Townsend and Daniel Satterfield (with their mom Jessica) raised $2,120.00 through the sale of their adorable CHEW Christmas ornaments!  These children provided food for 350 chronically hungry children for an entire weekend!! THANK YOU!


  • We are so grateful to the members of Greenfield’s Upper School Government Association who raised $1,476.00 for CHEW through their Haunted Trail Event at Halloween!
  • Thank you to the young people in the Chick fil A Leader Academies at Fike High School and the Wilson Early College Academy who raised $3,000 to support CHEW through their Chew for C.H.E.W. Food Truck Rodeo in June!
  • CHEW has been supported by a grant from Purdue Pharma LP.  We are deeply grateful for their continued support that enables us to feed our chronically hungry students!
  • Thank you to Walmart Giving for giving us a $500 grant! Frankie Sheldon, Manager of Walmart Main in Wilson, presented the check to Louise McKinnon.  The support of our business community continues to make our weekend feeding program possible.
  • Thank you to Crystal Barber, Education Exchange owner, and Kimberly Howard, creator of Wilson Escapes, for sharing a portion of the first weekend ticket sales of Wilson Escapes with CHEW!
  • We are deeply grateful to the following BB&T departments that adopted CHEW again this year through their BB&T Lighthouse Project:  BB&T Wealth, The Northeastern Region Community Bank, and BB&T Correspondent Lending.  These employees put SO MUCH LOVE IN ACTION and we are fortunate to have you in our community!
  • A HUGE “thank you” to all of the volunteers who helped make Chippin for the Children such an outstanding success this May.  We are deeply grateful for each and every one of you!
  • How grateful we are to the Episcopal Women at St. Timothy’s who continue to share a portion of the proceeds from their annual bake sale with us.  They help make our weekend feeding program possible! Our morning CHEW distribution center volunteers received a check on our behalf from Elizabeth Skinner of St. Timothy’s.
  • During the month of December 2017 CopyPro donated $100 to CHEW for each copier that was sold in Wilson County during that month.  Heather Driver from CopyPro presented our afternoon CHEW distribution center volunteers with a check to support our weekend feeding program.  Thank you, CopyPro!


  • Thank you Officer David Stancil and the Wilson Police Department for sponsoring the 4th annual (BYOB) Bass Fishing Tournament to benefit CHEW.  This year 23 boats took part! How fortunate our community and chronically hungry students are to have you.
  • We continue to be deeply grateful to the employees of BB&T who choose to benefit CHEW through their BB&T Lighthouse Project.  Six departments supported us this year!
  • Thank you to EVERYONE who made Chippin for the Children such a tremendous success this year!
  • How grateful we are to SPC Mechanical for their generous donation of $6,700!  CHEW was one of four feeding programs to benefit from their SPC Mechanical Charity Golf Tournament in April.
  • We are deeply grateful to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline for awarding CHEW a $5,000 grant through their Community Investment Program.
  • To Christy Proctor and Chick-fil-A of Wilson for sponsoring the 5th Reunion Basketball Game that benefited CHEW the Friday after Thanksgiving in 2016.
  • How grateful we are to the basketball alumni and alumnae from Beddingfield and Fike who came together for the 5th year in a row to offer support for our weekend feeding program for our chronically hungry students.
  • A special “thank you” to the young people in the Chick-fil-A Leader Academies at Greenfield School and Wilson Early College who volunteered their time at the 5th Reunion Basketball Game.
  • To the Rotary Club of Greater Wilson for their generous gift of $12,000.  Since 2012 when CHEW first began its feeding program they have raised $44,000 to help us feed our chronically hungry children!


  • To Christy Proctor and her Chick-fil-A team members in Wilson who have raised money to provide Chick-fil-A holiday gift certificates for ALL of our CHEW students!  This is the third year in a row that they have given this incredible gift to our chronically hungry students!
  • To the Wilson County Unrestricted Endowment, a component fund of the NC Community Foundation for their $500 grant.
  • To our Wilson Police who held a Bass Fishing Tournament in August to benefit CHEW. A special “thank you” to David Stancil, Wilson police senior officer, who has organized this event for us two years in a row!
  • To the students at Wilson Early College who chose CHEW as the recipient of their community impact project through their Chick-fil-A Leader Academy.
  • To Purdue Pharmaceuticals, L.P. for its continued, very generous support.  For the last 4 years their support has helped make our feeding program possible!
  • To Isiaette Darden who contributed half of her winnings from the 25-second shootout competition during the Love and Basketball Reunion Game to CHEW!
  • To all who made Chippin for the Children such a success!  A special “thank you” to those who came out to play golf in spite of the inclement weather!
  • To the Greenfield students who planned and hosted an incredible 5K/1 Mile Fun Run Event that benefited CHEW through their Greenfield Chick-fil-A Leader Academy.
  • To the Episcopal Church Women of St. Timothy’s for their continued generous support of CHEW.  They shared a generous portion of the proceeds from their annual bake sale with us!
  • To the members of First Baptist- Wilson, First Christian, First Presbyterian, Christian Life Fellowship Ministries, the First Baptist Men in Wilson, Women’s Ministries of Westmoreland, Stantonsburg United Methodist, First Baptist – Stantonsburg and the Elm City Community Churches for their continued generous and faithful support of CHEW.


  • Christy Proctor and Chick fil A for sponsoring the 4th Reunion Basketball Game that benefited CHEW the Friday after Thanksgiving.  How grateful we are to the basketball alumni from Beddingfield and Fike who came together for the fourth year in a row to offer their support for our weekend feeding program for our chronically hungry students.
  • For the second year in a row the employees of Chick fil A raised enough money through their Chickin for the Children fundraiser to provide a Chick fil A holiday gift certificate for every CHEW student!  Thank You!
  • The Willifords of SPC Mechanical who chose CHEW to benefit from their 50th Anniversary Golf Tournament and to all of their sponsors for their tremendous support.  We are so grateful to ALL of you!
  • All of our Wilson police who held a Bring Your Own Boat Bass Tournament to benefit CHEW in August.  A special “thank you” to David Stancil, Wilson police senior officer, who organized the event and to the 29 bass fishermen who took part!
  • The volunteers and sponsors who worked tirelessly to make Chippin’ for the Children which benefited CHEW and The Spot such a success.
  • Six BB&T departments who supported CHEW once again this year with a generous donation through their Lighthouse Project.  During the month of May through the end of the school year they pulled, packed, and distributed the food for all of our chronically hungry students.
  • Mark Wright and his Lee Nissan team for their very generous donation as a result of their CHEW campaign during April 2015.  A special “thank you” to the men and women throughout Wilson County who supported Lee Nissan and helped make this generous donation possible!
  • Our deeply committed volunteers and corporate sponsors who made Dinner on Sunset such a success again this year!  Our volunteers spent hours and hours making this event happen.  We are deeply blessed to have such dedicated, gifted people who have a passion for helping us feed our chronically hungry students.
  • The Barton College Baseball Team who held a Barton Benefit Game for CHEW.


  • chikinforCHEW! This incredible fundraiser sponsored by Christy Proctor and her team members at Chick-fil-A in Wilson provided a holiday gift certificate for each of our chronically hungry children in December 2014: 585 of them!!!  Think of the JOY experienced by these children.  It is difficult to know how to say “thank you” for such an outpouring of love.  CHEW is deeply grateful for each of you at Chick-fil-A in Wilson!
  • Christy Proctor of Chick-fil-A in Wilson for sponsoring for the third year in a row the Chick-fil-A Reunion Basketball Game to benefit CHEW!  A special “thank you” to all of her team who worked so diligently with Christy to help make this event such a success.
  • The Fike and Beddingfield basketball alumni who came together over Thanksgiving weekend to play for the benefit of our chronically hungry children in Chick-fil-A’s Third Reunion Basketball Game.  For three years these men and women have shared their Thanksgiving holiday with CHEW!  Thank you!
  • Glenn Blackwell, president of The Greater Wilson Rotary Club of Wilson. who presented CHEW with a $12,000 donation.  The Greater Wilson Rotary Club has been a constant supporter of CHEW since it began its weekend feeding program for our Wilson County chronically hungry students in 2012.  We remain deeply grateful to them.
  • The Wilson Elks Lodge #840 for their generous donation to CHEW in September.  How grateful we are for them!!
  • District No. 13 Order of the Eastern Star that was awarded $1,000 on July 26 to donate to CHEW. District 13 is comprised of five chapters located in Wilson and Wayne counties.  We are so grateful to the ladies in this charitable organization!  (Pictured used with permission of Wilson Times.)
  • Six BB&T departments who supported CHEW once again this year with a generous donation through the Lighthouse Project.  In addition they pulled, packed, and distributed the food for all of our chronically hungry children during the month of May through the end of the school year.
  • Dr. Bonnie Vause who hosted a book signing for her novel Fast Escape to benefit CHEW.
  • Lee Nissan for their CHEW campaign during April 2014 to feed over 40% of our children in need in Wilson County and to the men and women throughout Wilson County who took DEMO rides and purchased new cars during this campaign.  Your support enabled Lee Nissan to meet their goal!  Thank you.
  • Hunter Peebles and her Parent Advisory Committee for making CHEW one of the beneficiaries of “Dancing with the Stars” in Hunter’s Competitive Dance Company Benefit Showcase.  We are so grateful to you.
  • All who made Dinner on Sunset an outstanding success once more this year!  This incredible fundraiser would not take place without the overwhelming commitment of a deeply dedicated group of volunteers.  Thank you!
  • The Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church (USA) for the grant CHEW received through their Creative Ministries Offering Committee.


  • All who made Dinner on Sunset possible!
  • Students and faculty at Greenfield Academy who raised money for CHEW at their Walk Out.
  • Twelve departments at BB&T who joined hands to provide CHEW with its largest corporate gift to date!  These employees pulled, packed, and distributed the food for all of our chronically hungry children during the month of May 2013 through the end of the school year.  Their generosity also provided food to support our summer feeding program and they will be feeding the chronically hungry children for more than two months this fall.
  • The New Hope Girls on the Run for sponsoring a car wash and bake sale.
  • Hannah Durham, Hunter Turnage, and Janie Narron who raised funds for CHEW through their senior project at Beddingfield High School.
  • The Greater Rotary Club of Wilson, the first nonprofit to make a generous three-year pledge to CHEW in addition to providing abundant support during 2012-2013. (Picture used compliments of  Wilson Times.)
  • Dee Warrick and associates at Nationwide who benefited CHEW through their NASCAR Event.
  • The Wilson Tobs Baseball Club for supporting CHEW’s summer feeding program through their Stuff the Bus, Home Run for Hunger Event.
  • Trio Fitness for holding a zumba fitness class to benefit CHEW.
  • The Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church who made a generous donation to CHEW through the Ann Byrum Fund.  Ann Byrum loved children.  At the time of her death this fund was established for the youth of St. Timothy’s to decide how to spend it.  These young people decided to share part of Ann’s gift with CHEW.  They are actively involved with CHEW for the EYC pack the weekend bags of food for Wells Elementary on an ongoing basis.
  • “Buster” Dawson who initiated and coordinated a Gospel Concert in November 2013 that benefited CHEW.  This enjoyable concert featured Generation III, Sopony Creek, and the Oak Grove Boys.
  • Christy Proctor at Chick-Fil-A who sponsored a fun-filled basketball tournament at Fike High School in November that benefited CHEW.


  • The Men’s Civic Club who sponsored our first fund-raiser:  An Evening of Spiritual Music
  • The Wilson Home Builders Association for sponsoring a Christmas Food Drive to benefit CHEW.